Friday, July 2, 2010


I was told today that I am stabilizing. My weight and vitals are consistently improving and I no longer need to see a doctor on a weekly basis. He meant for this to be a good thing, and it is I guess, but in my head I'm having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I am no longer "that sick." It almost feels like I am losing a part of myself and it is terrifying.
I realize that it so incredibly stupid to be fearful of losing it. I want to recover, I want to get better- but I still have a major attachment to being ill. I think I associate being deep in my eating disorder with being a child and with having people care about me. I feel like, if I give it up, no one will care any more- however ridiculous that sounds. There is a part of my brain that is convinced that everyone will leave me if I'm healthy and no longer truly in need of them.
Hearing that I'm stabilizing sort of freaks me out. I know it doesn't mean that I'm suddenly cured, and every day is still a massive struggle, but it was terrifying to hear that I'm winning the fight and that my eating disorder is dying.
I know that I want it gone and that I'm ready to be healthy, but I don't know how to be healthy. I don't know what normal people do or think and I don't know how to be independent. Being told that I'm stabilizing implies that I am getting closer to being healthy and independent, and I honestly want to prolong that as long as possible because I feel so horribly unprepared and scared.
I know I should be happy and proud that all my hard work is paying off, but I'm truly not. I'm scared. And I don't know how to live without an eating disorder.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Something is Wrong with Me

Sometimes I feel like having an eating disorder is so silly. Everybody else seems to know how to eat, what to eat, and when to eat without ever being taught. They do it so effortlessly and without thinking, but for some reason I have to struggle with it every minute of the day. This often makes me feel like something is wrong with me because everybody else seems to be able to do something that I can't. I often feel stupid and weak and incapable for having an eating disorder. I'm always looking at other people and wondering- why is it so easy for them but not me?
I'm still struggling with feeling very alone in this. It was so different in treatment because everyone around me was battling the same thing so I never felt alienated, ashamed, or abnormal. Out of treatment, however, things are so much different. Nobody seems to be like me and I often feel that I am the only one in the entire world battling this disease.
It doesn't help that my dad is often frustrated with me for not being 100% better. He, along with everyone else, thinks that my problems are trivial and that I should have an easy time with food like other people. He doesn't understand and he often makes comments that make me feel weak and like a freak.
I'm really struggling to get by, and I never anticipated how incredibly difficult recovery would be. The general idea behind it is so simple: eat, keep the food down, don't berate yourself. I never expected the battle to be so hard and now I am paying for it. The eating disordered part of my head is still so strong and my own voice is still barely audible. I feel that that it could be a very long time before I beat this, and I'm still not sure that I have it in me to keep up the fight that long. All I want to do is wake up tomorrow and have it be gone.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On Loneliness

I had to write this for my therapist:

I ignore the fact that I'm lonely because I've been lonely so long that I've given up and decided that there's nothing I can do about it. There are no people in my life to soothe the pain from it... so why should I let myself feel it? It's much less painful to just disown the feeling all together and pretend like I'm perfectly fine and content with solitude.
I've always felt that I just don't fit in with people and never will. It doesn't matter how badly I need people or want to be around people- I feel that it is a lost cause. I feel awkward and I feel that I lack the social abilities needed to get by in this world. It's been this way for so long that I now tell myself that I don't need anyone and that I'm much happier being alone. The truth is that while, yes, I like being alone, I wouldn't mind having some people in my life. I want a friend to giggle with and cry with and to give me a hug when things go awry. I want to come out of my shell and live for once, but there is no one there to help pull me out. They say that relationships are important in beating this disease, but I'm completely and totally alone in this thing called recovery.
I do feel that being lonely is weakness, though, and that's another reason that I don't let myself feel it. Loneliness is accepting the fact that you can't do things on your own and that you're dependent on someone else. I've always liked the idea of being totally self sufficient and being all that I need. I don't want to need anyone else because other people can let you down or hurt you- and everyone in my life always seems to leave. I also don't trust anyone and this makes me have a hard time forming relationships because I don't believe anyone when they say that they like me. I find myself so completely unlovable and unworthy of human contact that I believe anyone that says they like me is either lying or taking pity on me.
I think it would be better for me if I did accept the fact that I need people, but sometimes it's just too painful. Accepting the fact that I need people involves accepting the fact that I don't currently have any and it involves accepting the fact that nobody currently finds me interesting or lovable enough to be my friend. It also involves accepting the fact that I may be doing something wrong or that something might be wrong with me.
However, I realize that until I accept this fact, there will never be anyone in my life because I won't go out looking. Denying that I'm lonely only enables me to retreat deeper into myself and away from others. Deep down I am aware that I DO need others, but I've been getting by on my own so long that this is difficult to come to terms with. The fact of the matter is, though, that I've been JUST getting by. I need other people in my life in order to actually live.

Beauty is Not How Skinny You Can Be

My favorite video

Monday, June 28, 2010

Falling on my Face

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one having so many slips. I feel like everyone else is doing so well in recovery and I'm falling flat on my face. Logically, I know this can't be true, but I still feel like I'm doing worse than everyone and I feel like I'm a complete failure for it. I keep taking one step forward and then 20 backwards and I feel like I just can't do this when everyone else can. I keep wondering- Is it normal to have so many slips? ...Or am I just weak and incapable of ever recovering from this disease?
I was talking to my therapist the other day and the word "recovery" came out of my mouth. The word felt so foreign and it almost felt like it didn't really apply. I think this is because I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that I AM in recovery despite the fact that I'm having such a difficult time of it. Sometimes I am struggling so badly that I completely forget that I'm supposed to be getting better and I convince myself that I'm still a full bulimic and that nothing has changed. I need to start accepting the fact that recovery isn't perfect- that there are going to be slips and it's okay. It doesn't mean that I've failed.
It's hard being the only one from MC in Montgomery, though. I keep wishing that I lived in Birmingham so that I could meet up with the other girls, talk to them, and not feel so completely alone in this all of the time. There's no EDA group available here so I never get to talk to anyone else like me. Being so isolated makes me wonder if I'm the only one struggling or if everyone else is battling similar problems. I have no one to talk to but my therapist.. and of course she would never tell me that I was abnormal.
I want this so badly, I really do. I'm mentally exhausted and my body is so tired of the constant abuse. But I just can't seem to do it, I keep falling again and again and again.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Words Hurt

It's no secret that my dad is really insensitive and I'm majorly struggling with the things that he says to me at the moment. He never seems to realize that the things he says are triggering, insensitive, and rude, and I'm not assertive enough yet to tell him that he's really pushing me over the edge sometimes.
He really does not have very good people skills and he thinks that the things that he says are jokes, but they really do sting. Yesterday I was eating an apple for snack and he walked into the room, pointed at me, and "jokingly" told me that I was a pig. When I'm eating meals, he often walks in, peers over my shoulder at what I'm eating and then asks something along the lines of- "are you really going to eat all of that?"
I'm not sure how to deal with things like this because I feel like it should be so obvious not to say such things. If you daughter just got out of an eating disorder treatment center, how can you possibly think it is a good idea to make such comments while she's eating? How can you be so ignorant as to not realize that they're hurtful?
I've talked to my therapist about it and she told me that she's heard it herself when he's been in the room with her. Everything he says is always put so negatively and he doesn't even notice it. He's very overly critical and I almost feel like saying something to him would just be a lost cause.
My therapist asked my permission to speak to him about it but I told her that I thought it would be a bad idea. My dad is very uptight and unpredictable, and things often blow up when he's told that he's wrong. Last time she talked to him, he blew up and started bashing me and listing off all of the things that I had done wrong in my entire life.
I'm just not sure how to deal with it and it's really going to be a struggle to recover when comments like this are repeatedly made. I wish I had the confidence and assertiveness to tell him that he's saying hurtful things, but I don't and never have. I'm completely at a loss because this really shouldn't be an issue, anybody with common sense should know not to make comments like that to someone with an eating disorder.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Something has Clicked

I've always had a hard time seeing myself as ill. It doesn't matter what happens to me, I am always able to convince myself that I'm really not 'that' sick. I've had a seizure, my teeth are quickly losing their enamel, my CBC always comes back out of whack- but somehow it is never enough to click in my head that I really do have a problem.
Logically, I know that I do. I know how out of control my bulimia gets. I know that throwing up 5 times a day is far from normal and I know that walking up a set of stairs shouldn't make you feel like you're about to faint. But it's just never enough.
I've always felt like, unless I visibly appear sick, I really don't have a problem. And for the past 2-3 years, I have looked fine on the outside.
But yesterday something clicked in my head and terrified me. I started picturing myself 30-40 years from now. If I keep this up- will I have teeth? Will my heart be okay? Will my bones be thin and brittle? This thought has absolutely terrified me. I may be okay at the moment, but how will I be when I get older? Am I going to have massive health consequences caused by all of the stuff I have done over the past 6 years? And is that really worth it?
Even though I am beyond terrified of getting older, I know that it is inevitable. And I want to be healthy and happy in those years. I don't want to do any more damage to my body now because I have to have this body forever.
I'm going to fight ten times harder. I made my meal plan for next week and plan to follow it 100% because I want to be feel good now and in the future. I have never felt as good as I did at MC and I've decided that I want that feeling back. I'm going to be healthy this week.